Widget Threads Enhancement

Widget Threads Enhancement [Paid] 3.0.2

PayPal: $30.00
RoldanLT Thank you all information. I will test and give feedback for you soon

Great to have Feature: Please allow us to give the Widget title a Link/URL option.
Or maybe just like BD Widget Framework, title option accepts HTML so we can add a href code.

Thank you so much!
RoldanLT I have tested with default widget from XF (new threads) it's does not work with above conditions. Are you tested too?
I tested and created New Threads Widget: /admin.php?widgets/add&definition_id=new_threads
Place it on: Thread view: Sidebar
With Display Condition: count($__globals.posts) > 4

Agree not working though :/.
What would be the right condition? Thanks!
Why not use CSS for hide it? I don’t think this option useful with other users here.