Truonglv updated Widget Threads Enhancement with a new update entry:
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Notable changes:
- Fixed save widget cache error.
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TruonglvBefore this update, it works fine as expected.
My caching is vie Redis, but it works fine before this update
TruonglvAfter this new update, widget listing isn't updated anymore ;-(
Please have a look, for example new thread listing widget.
Truonglv updated Widget Threads Enhancement with a new update entry:
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My caching is vie Redis, but it works fine before this update

Truonglv updated Widget Threads Enhancement with a new update entry:
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Please have a look, for example new thread listing widget.
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TruonglvMy XF caching is setup correctly and has been working fine since upgrading to XF 2.1.
No changes made this month.
i dont mean widget cache.
No changes made this month.