Post Reply

Post Reply [Paid] 4.0.1

PayPal: $30.00
joey_tbf your site need that but another does not. I do not implement an feature which only work for single site. This is commerical add-on.
your job is:
  1. make money
  2. add feature for customers
  3. make more money

so far you loose 1. and 2. and 3. because you pick and choose features based upon how "you think forums should be"
you don't treat customers good, so i won't give you my money,

i will simply go somewhere else

joey_tbf I am pretty sure he can make you a custom work for that (against money of course). It takes time to implement each suggestions, if every developers would accept each suggestion, they will be too busy about maintening their add-ons and will leave them unmaintained ^^
A bug with reactions:

(video with controls)

When you merge a thread, it does not work. So I mean, when you merge two threads, the posts does not appear in the resulting thread. Yes, it doesn't appear to be there anymore.

Note: if you rebuild tree data, this will solve your issue. However, I think you should solve this because we don't want to use rebuild tree data when merging threads/posts.