Question Version 2.2.1a - What I noticed

To the Feature/unfeature Thing.

I still don`t find the buttions - maybe my fault :eek:

Administrator has set EVERYTHING to Allow

But in the Quickmenu - no unfeature?

also not in the other menu

here are so many Settings - I am lost. For some I have no glue why this can be changed at all.
Why should I give the Group admin the "get new URL Portion" function?

I already was deinstalling the Groups plugin and installed it new.
But all the permissions got "restored" like I had them.

I am realy lost somehow :(

I think we have to compare somehow all our Settings - otherwise I will never ever figure out, why this Button is not showing anymore,..

By the way, I remember this button is not working with IE 9.
What browser are you using...
Maybe some outdated or modified templates?
Do you use the native installer or add-on?