Fixed some bugs!
- Fixed autoload issues.
- Added requirement PHP version. You need PHP version 5.4 or higher to use addon.
- Fixed error when choose target node.
- Fixed time format issues on calendar.
Important: You can found the XML file at: library/Nobita/Schedule/addon-nobita_Schedule.xml
You can use that Path while install or upgrade addon.
New Features:
How Schedule Repeat Work?
- Added new option allow scheduler can repeat thread content.
- Performance query.
When you schedule thread and marked repeat. The content of first thread will be copied and post as new thread.
- What is the information was...
Some bugs fixed!
Is it possible to add an option to stop scheduling a thread BUT, not to release it right after that?
Where you noticed it?Also, I have noticed that there is a time before being able to scheduling a thread again... how can I modify it?