Testing comments

I would need the Reply button to keep it's function as it does in stock version and for comments I would prefer a new button.
And when I select a text, I don't get the button neither Reply nor Quote buttons. I want those buttons there.
User21 Hmm. If thread has more replies. That could make too long too see another replies. lol
I see, the "Reply" and "Quote" buttons for selected text works only for the Original Post.


So what would I need:

  1. these "Reply" and "Quote" buttons for selected text work also for comments.
  2. in OP the "Reply" is not working so fix that
  3. the "Reply" button to keep it's function as it does in stock version and for comments a "Comments" button.
  4. when there is more comments, they are hiding. I want all comments to see without extra clicks.
Then I could buy it.