Implemented Show albums to gallery/media index from groups


Active Member
Hi Nobita, it's me again. o_O
Here I will add this request where the purpose is to promote more activity to groups that is to show the albums coming from groups. Of course, the album will inherit the privacy set from groups, when the album was shown in gallery/media index, it will ask them to join the groups first before they can view it (if the group was set to close/private). :p

Happy New Year ! :p
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:sneaky: i wish the albums from groups will show to gallery index but yes depends on the group privacy. if it is private they can see the album but they cannot open it, it will say that they have to join the group before they can open it. Just to promote activity of the groups.
I think just for Open and Closed only. Of your team is secret you can send an requesting to group owner. Privacy dont allow. Hehe
Nobita, how to unhide all the albums/images from groups and show it in the media? :p
cmon.... :p make it an option to do this. I want my users to use the groups more often, how... i think i can bribe them using the images coming from groups but there is no option to do this, groups will be hard to promote.
Implemented :D But just for Open and Closed groups ;) The secrent never show content anywhere :D
I love you Nobita. :p
Now I can disable creating new threads on some particular threads where they have to create threads from the groups only.