MineCraft Avatar

AddOn MineCraft Avatar [Paid] 1.4.1

It is happening here as well, my avatar is showing up as the default Minecraft skin "Steve" here too.
It is doing this now too:

(My avatar set using MinecraftAvatar is white while your avatar is fine as it was set manually and not by MinecraftAvatar)
Oxm8Hi! Its display white because that sometime Minotar.net return 504! Example:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out) https://minotar.net/avatar/Bron/96

I think too many request to Minotar server :)
Nobita updated MineCraft Avatar with a new update entry:

Version 1.2.5 released!

Update the provider URL. Support special format of provider. Please update the provider URL when you upgraded addon. Almost of providers using this format: PROVIDER_URL/avatar/MINECRAFT_NAME/SIZE

List of Provider I known :D

Read the rest of this update entry...