Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

Please make this change, otherwise there is a lot of problems with feedback from guests, potential team members...
Support more wall type. "Member wall" and "Moderator wall". Member wall only display content for member. Moderator wall only display content for admin of group
This is understandable :)
I will try to explain why need a public wall ...
There is an option - "Allow guest posting", but it works only in case switching off in settings addon of the option "Display tab Information to non-members" and works incorrectly - the guest sends the message, but after reload of the page doesn't see the its message and does not see the answer to it...
Feedback with the guest - works incorrectly... сommunication in one side...
Please, visit the page of a team not the member of team and you will see a problem
Open to non-members of public wall will solve this problem. In order to protect from spammers, you can add the option of pre-moderation messages from guests.
Sure, your addon from this will be better! :)
I've said that. Public wall obly available with Team Open. Have you look at with Facebook group closed?