Group Card & Banner display issues

Actually I have absolutely no idea where your problem is... o_O This is no Photoshop but me just fiddling in the browser console...:

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-21 um 20.26.28.webp

With just changing two code blocks in the HTML template (moving the join button to the card bottom and inserting a container for the group cover), you can even have THIS:

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-21 um 20.32.35.webp

I did this all in the browser console. I don't even have access to this site... :rolleyes:

@truonglv please put a little effort into it and give us what we want... in XF1 ;)
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@truonglv can you change it like in my example in the next version? There needs to be a container added for the group cover and putting the join button into another mdl action div at the button of the card.
This is how it looks now in my style with 2.8.8 (after I spent half of the entire day to fix it after the update again...)
Notice that I exchanged the privacy state for icons: globe = public, lock = closed, eye-slashed = secret.

This even works for a 4-column grid with very small "cards" widths...


If @truonglv includes a container <div> for the group cover, we can achieve to have it look like in my example above (aka "the IPS clubs style").