Question Change the name on navigation bar links


New Member
I'm curious to if it's possible to change the text on the nav bar, from 'Groups' to 'Guilds'.

Also I would like to change any reference from "Group(s)" to "guilds" any any reference of "Staff" to "Officers", and "Ribbon" to "Guild Tag"

:oops: I forgot to attach some language files when released.
So i'd like the top navbar link to be named Units and also the weblink to be/units

Is this possible?
So i'd like the top navbar link to be named Units and also the weblink to be/units

Is this possible?
MadhouseYup. It is possible.
For route: You might use Route Filters. You can see it at
And for phrases: You might search all phrase Groups, Group, groups, group then change to your phrases.