Anonymous Posting

Anonymous Posting 3.0.0

PayPal: $30.00
Notable changes:
  • Support XenForo 2.3.0
Notable changes:
  • Fixed incompatible with PHP 8.2
Notable changes:
  • Fixed checkbox anonymous does not show if user does not have permissions to upload attachments
Notable changes:
  • Fixed reveal anonymous poster in some specific cases
Notable changes:
  • Fixed undefined index access in some specific cases.
Notable changes:
  • Fixed invalid post user name.
  • Love
Reactions: madness85
Notable changes:
  • Fixed invalid argument type.
Notable changes:
  • Fixed cannot translate Anonymous text
  • Fixed invalid post position in reveal popup.
Notable changes:
  • Added new option to consistently anonymous identifier in same thread.
  • Fixed warning access on NULL
Notable changes:
  • Remove debug message.
  • Like
Reactions: madness85