Take control of your experience: ignore forums, threads, tags, conversations, and users with ease.
Social groups for XenForo 2.x.x
A API to work with mobile apps.
Give right permissions to thread owner (starter) for management their threads
Add a watermark to uploading images
Display group catalogs to help user quick navigating.
Schedule content for XF 2.x
Make threads & conversations realtime
Show users in specific user groups
An enhancement of thread redirects.
Automatically remove user signature when they being remove some user groups.
A powerful add-on to generate newsletters and management subscriptions
Allow users use custom route link to their profile.
Receive alerts from people who you are following...
Support more options in widget threads
Control usable style
Use your own smilies anywhere....
Optimize all attachments in your forum to save disk space.
Ask to user confirmation before open link
Protect User Privacy and Encourage Open Discussion with Anonymous Posting Add-On