TD Perry
Same issue on my site.. the discussions area is no longer being shown (and it was in prior versions).

Using version 3.6.4. This is a major issue... and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible.
With the issues that are showing up, it brings into question whether to look to an alternative offering.. which honestly I prefer not to do, but have no issues with doing if it gives me more stability.

Using version 3.6.4. This is a major issue... and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible.
With the issues that are showing up, it brings into question whether to look to an alternative offering.. which honestly I prefer not to do, but have no issues with doing if it gives me more stability.
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Same issue on my site.. the discussions area is no longer being shown (and it was in prior versions).
View attachment 6193
Using version 3.6.4. This is a major issue... and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible.
With the issues that are showing up, it brings into question whether to look to an alternative offering.. which honestly I prefer not to do, but have no issues with doing if it gives me more stability.
It was originally set as a category, and the add-on created the discussion forums fine under it... now apparently you have to create an actual discussion node.