Notable changes:
- Fixed schedule list navigation show to user who have not permission to view.
Notable changes:
- Fixed input change content owner still show to users did not have permission
- Fixed issue schedule do not save in some cases.
Notable changes:
- Fixed inputs not show in thread create
Notable changes:
- Bump required XenForo 2.2.0 or higher to use this version
- Refactor add-on and change the add-on workflow.
- Support schedule more actions.
Lock thread Update thread title Delete thread (soft) Delete post (soft)
Notable changes:
- Fixed render schedule form in disabled forums
- Support more schedule thread actions
Unlock thread Stick thread Unstick thread
Thanks, I just installed this.
Is it possible to let Moderators or a certain user group go in and edit the scheduled thread before it posts? We post a weekly news thread that many users contribute to, so I thought it would be easier just to let them all add their sections themselves before it posts