Profile Vanity URL

Profile Vanity URL [Paid] 3.0.1

PayPal: $35.00
Is it normal that, after installing the add-on and configuring the options (configured with @vanity), the option to change the url in the user profile does not appear? Also, after the installation and configuration, the URLs still look the same as before installing the add-on and it has no effect, I think because of the above mentioned.
Is it normal that, after installing the add-on and configuring the options (configured with @vanity), the option to change the url in the user profile does not appear? Also, after the installation and configuration, the URLs still look the same as before installing the add-on and it has no effect, I think because of the above mentioned.
josesergiodsdoes user have own vanity value?
If you mean can users access the add-on, yes. They are enabled for both user groups and individual users (there are only two users registered for testing).
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