Not a Bug Profile tab of Groups doesn't work properly


Active Member

When I visit my own profile page and click on Groups tab, it loads my group.

But when I visit other user's profile and click on the Groups tab of their profile, then it shows "loading..." but nothing comes.

Of course not all of them. Some of profiles work fine (I don't know why.) The only thing I can guess is that in the profile of users who don't created or manage any groups, the tab doesn't work. Even if they joined to groups. But in profiles that those users have created groups or managing groups, then the tab works fine. (but
I'm not sure.)

Any opinion will be appreciated.
It works strange here as well. If I go to your profile, then first it waits, then the groups show up and then the thumbs pop up.
Working fine here. Just F12 then console to see any special errrors?
I don' think it is bug yet. But i will wait another confirm it.
Disable another add-ons then testing
Disable another add-ons then testing
NobitaI disabled every add-on related to profile page and nothing changed. Still problem.

You know, I didn't install any new add-on for a long time and it was working in last versions but now it has problem.

So it doesn't seem to be related to other add-ons.

(But again I'll try to disable the add-on one by one at midnight to see what happens.)