problem with repositioning of cover image!



I noticed a small bug. I uploaded a cover photo to one of my groups. It wasn't positioned how I wanted, so I used the reposition option, but it didn't save. Now if try to reposition again, and don't move it, and just hit save with however it is positioned, it seems to work. I've reproduced it several times on XF 2.2.8 Patch 1 and Groups 3.2.1. The behavior is a bit erratic and sometimes appears to work, but most often doesn't.

I've attached a small video to demonstrate. I didn't get any server errors. Very strange!

Update: On v3.2.2, it appears to auto save the position IF you don't run the cursor all the way off the field, and it doesn't update the new position. However, if you reposition and then run the cursor off the cover image field, then hit save, it seems to work! Strange!