Image Optimizer for XF 2.0

Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid] 2.2.1

PayPal: $29.00
this applies to all images that are optimized? Because then it can happen that the image becomes unusable because important parts are removed?
Sorry - I don't get it.

Resize to exact dimensions: "Resize image to exact dimension which your image may not strange." What does this mean?
"Resize to short edge dimensions: Like XenForo attachment thumbnail do." How does this do?
Only a few.... 89 of these "failed to optimize" errors over the course of the night. 100's of files processed.

     ErrorException: [tl] Image Optimizer: Failed to optimize image. $path=/home/bonsainu/public_html/internal_data/temp/xfJcUBC7, $command= --colors='256' --lossy='80' --no-names --output '/home/bonsainu/public_html/internal_data/temp/xfPy2sjh' '/home/bonsainu/public_html/internal_data/temp/xfJcUBC7' $output=array ( ) $newSize=0 src/XF/Error.php:75

     ErrorException: [tl] Image Optimizer: Failed to optimize image. $path=/home/bonsainu/public_html/internal_data/temp/xfCwZkPJ, $command= -f --quality '60-80' --speed '5' --output '/home/bonsainu/public_html/internal_data/temp/xf3EA75Y' '/home/bonsainu/public_html/internal_data/temp/xfCwZkPJ' $output=array ( ) $newSize=0 src/XF/Error.php:75