#1: In option `Disable Nodes` select all nodes. So user can't ignore an node.
#2: Current don't support
#3: Not available
#2: Current don't support
#3: Not available
New Member
#1: In option `Disable Nodes` select all nodes. So user can't ignore an node.
#2: Current don't support
#3: Not available
Great, thanks for the quick reply.
#1 I did try this but it still showed the option to ignore nodes in the user drop-down - and when you do click it you get a list of categories; it doesn't seem to disable the feature - which I need before I can consider using this add-on on my forums (sorry).
#2 Do you plan to add usergroup permissions anytime soon?
#3 Okay, no worries, it would be good to have this feature in the future but it is not the most important thing for me right now.
Would you be willing to add the option to completely disable the Ignore Nodes feature?