Fixed Hiden and Closed groups arent hiden or closed


New Member
Basicly if a user is getting your hidden forum link through a link crawler they will be able to read ALL the thread titles that a group have created. So lets say you have a group called "Secret Stuff" when they make a thread their thread gets into the forum that the category is tied to, this forum is hidden from the public, but quite easy to find, so if a guy find this forum he will be able to read all the thread titles.

Best regards Shamatix
I like the idea, but dont you think it will take a lot of resourses or?
I like the idea, but dont you think it will take a lot of resourses or?
xpoffwebsiteI don't think so. Because those forums will be associated with their dedicated groups, and wont be publicly view able from outside of groups (like when we un check the option "display on nodes list" from a node settings)
we can set a category (node), and all forums that group owners create will be created within it, and they will be associated for their groups.
Neat and clean. And more logical. Because we never can create all forums that group owners want to have for their groups. But if we let them specially create and manage their own forum within their groups, then all of us (site owner and groups owners) will reach to our goals.