[FIXED] Event schema missing location (Google detects as error)


Active Member
This is a minor issue which doesn't actually personally bother me, other than having Google Search Console occasionally reporting it to me as an error.

The e-mail from Google about it:
Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 6 Events issues:

Top Errors

Errors can prevent your page or feature from appearing in Search results. The following errors were found on your site:

Missing field "location"​

Top Warnings

Warnings are suggestions for improvement. Some warnings can affect your appearance on Search; some might be reclassified as errors in the future. The following warnings were found on your site:

Missing field "offers"​
Missing field "eventAttendanceMode"​
Missing field "organizer"​
Missing field "performer"​
Missing field "image"​

We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.
The example affected URL which Google indicated:

And their reference page for the Event schema:

I can see that the schema in the page source for that event is indeed missing the "location" field, as well as the list of lesser Warning fields. As a side note, as per my related feature request, you can see the user who created that event specified a location which is a virtual one indicating a game server, and so the map isn't really appropriate there.
Look like we need only include schema data when event has location filled. Also the map look wrong yet.