[BUG] Cover banner borked on 2.3

TD Perry

I think this image explains it simply enough.

Screen Shot 2025-02-09 at 3.55.13 AM.png

It's a JPG image (in fact, all 5 that I tried were) that apparently fails when trying to upload.
I use the latest social groups add-on and Xenforo 2.3.5 and am using WebP. And therein lay the most likely issue.

Sadly... I have to admit that I am about to the point of going to DragonBytes Social Groups add-on and using a 3rd party calendar function for my site. It seems lately that many of the add-ons from here are having issues that are slow to be addressed.
I ended up stopping using the Image Optimizer add-on since it was limited to only posts and a lot of my images are via XFMG, and I doubt even if the add-on was updated to work with XFMG and other 3rd party add-ons I would go back to it even though I prefer the JPG format.
It's really sad that such a promising set of add-ons have started to languish in their progression.
But honestly, I've gotten to expect that in the Xenforo environment. They have become so dependent upon outside developers to offer what they should, and then those outside developers eventually start failing to keep up. 🙁

I have confirmed it is an issue if you have the WebP image optimization enabled. You can disable that and the JPG uploads fine. You re-enable the XF image optimization (WebP) and it stops working.

It honestly is getting old that we, as users, are having to what amounts to BETA testing these add-ons and then reporting what should be easily findable bugs. And no, this is not limited to this add-on. With the XF 2.3.5 upgrade I have found several issues with other add-ons. It is ultimately a weakness in the Xenforo script and their dependence on 3rd party developers to bring their script into the modern era and away from early 2000's forums.
It's also why the last 3 sites I have set up have been on NodeBB.
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If it was not for DragonByte having the crappy copyright notice, I'd probably have already gone to them. I am actually contemplating just doing away with social groups on the site and getting a 3rd party calendar add-on.
Sadly... the few and slow updates to issues of this add-on is going to result in me removing it from my site. It doesn't get a lot of use (none to be exact) and I can't justify the cost of it and then roll in the fact that even with that I am having to find bugs.
It's a decent software, but it suffers from the same syndrome as Xenforo.