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  1. Truonglv

    Threads Symbiotics - 2.0.0

    Notable changes: Support XenForo 2.3
  2. Truonglv

    Signature Remover [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Signature Remover with a new update entry: 2.0.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Truonglv

    Signature Remover - 2.0.0

    Notable changes: Support XenForo 2.3.0
  4. Truonglv

    Profile Vanity URL [Paid]

    Do you still stuck to upgrade to XF 2.3?
  5. Truonglv

    Sendy Integration & Newsletters [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Sendy Integration & Newsletters with a new update entry: 5.0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Truonglv

    Sendy Integration & Newsletters - 5.0.2

    Notable changes: Fixed silent subscriptions does not show in account management page
  7. Truonglv

    Profile Vanity URL [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Profile Vanity URL with a new update entry: 3.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Truonglv

    Profile Vanity URL - 3.0.1

    Notable changes: Fixed invalid link for following, followers
  9. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    I tested and its work fine. Can you give more details on your issues?
  10. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    I will check with that.
  11. Truonglv

    [BUG] How to Reorder Forums Within a Group

    There is an field named Display Order. You can change that to sort forums as you want.
  12. Truonglv

    [tl] Payment BTCPay

  13. Truonglv

    Ignore Content [Paid]

    Tried but there is no errors.
  14. Truonglv

    Donations (Campaigns) [Paid]

    In the TODO list yet
  15. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) with a new update entry: 4.0.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) - 4.0.4

    Notable changes: Improvement to support dark theme Fixed member promotion does not work Added new member roles to restrict to view member listing
  17. Truonglv

    [NOT A BUG] Error with Ignore Content 3.2.3

    Please use version 4.x.x if you running on XF 2.3.x
  18. Truonglv

    [FIXED] [Grpups] User promotion bug? (admin panel)

    There is missing jobs to update that. It has been fixed in next version for (XF 2.3.0)
  19. Truonglv

    [FIXED] [Grpups] User promotion bug? (admin panel)

    Can you open file Admin/Controller/MemberRole.php then find this line: $memberRolePlugin->saveMemberRole($memberRole); Then replace with: $memberRolePlugin->saveMemberRole($memberRole, 'admin');