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  1. Truonglv

    XF1 → XF2.3 import questions

    1. Group covers now using attachments system to gain more benefit so you don't see it as avatars. 2. Group forums requires more config to display correctly if you upgrade from old version.
  2. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    Can you compress in zip? Cause you uploaded here our system automatically convert it.
  3. Truonglv

    [BUG] Discussions not created/appearing (Social Groups v4.0.4, XenForo v2.3.4)

    Importer does not import group forum yet. I will update it to support latest add-on version.
  4. Truonglv

    [BUG] Discussions not created/appearing (Social Groups v4.0.4, XenForo v2.3.4)

    Last update I use own node type, did you created any group node type before?
  5. Truonglv

    Ignore Content [Paid]

    Not sure if other clients need fix that bug. I will consider that if there is more clients requests.
  6. Truonglv

    Ignore Content [Paid]

    What version you're using?
  7. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    Can you check with some online tools to make sure it is PNG image?
  8. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    Can you send your image here so I can check it?
  9. Truonglv

    Threads Symbiotics [Paid]

    You mean date time not matched?
  10. Truonglv

    Widget Threads Enhancement option?

    I did not see carbon theme in your site. Can you check it?
  11. Truonglv

    Avatar Moderation [Paid]

    Can you give more details so I can easy to check?
  12. Truonglv

    Threads Symbiotics [Paid]

    What do you mean with showing like new post?
  13. Truonglv

    Ignore Content [Paid]

    Got your idea but in the threads will have more other users comment in.
  14. Truonglv

    The Following Alerts [Paid]

    Yes. It's running here.
  15. Truonglv

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Yes if you reset offset it will run over again.
  16. Truonglv

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Thank you for give more details. In this case you need custom scripts to rebuild attachment size from database with disk
  17. Truonglv

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Sadly, there is no way to recover it
  18. Truonglv

    [BUG] Schedule Content and Auto Reply addons not playing well together!

    It seems a bug of Auto reply. I will check with that.
  19. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    Dispute in PayPal need manual approve since system automatically downgrade your account when payment reverted.
  20. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Watermark with a new update entry: 3.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...