Sendy Integration & Newsletters

Sendy Integration & Newsletters 5.0.1

PayPal: $50.00
Notable changes:
  • Fixed object message
Notable changes:
  • Support XenForo 2.3
Notable changes:
  • Added redis queue driver
Notable changes:
  • Improvement process queues to prevent mysql deadlock
Notable changes:
  • Fixed warning invalid arguments passed
Notable changes:
  • Fixed banned users were not remove from Sendy subscription.
  • Added new option allow automatically make users subscribe lists
  • Added new option to skip previous sent threads in newsletters
Notable changes:
  • Added new option "Add user to user groups" when they're subscribed lists.
  • Improvement creating newsletter item
Notable changes:
  • Improvement import large emails
  • Remove ATL text in logo image
  • Added rebuild newsletter items caches
Notable changes:
  • Fixed invalid column
Notable changes:
  • Fixed error on user did not have email
  • Improvement process subscriptions
  • Added manual sync subscription status
  • Fixed automatically sync subscription status does not work
  • Added new newsletter item option: Use wrapper which it allows you render custom template without default wrapper
  • Import users now include some extra data