Recent content by Truonglv

  1. Truonglv

    Ignore Content [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Ignore Content with a new update entry: 4.0.6 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Truonglv

    Ignore Content - 4.0.6

    Notable changes: Added new style property allow customize ignore button
  3. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) - 4.0.8

    Notable changes: Fixed display sticky threads
  4. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) with a new update entry: 4.0.8 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Truonglv

    Sign in with Apple

    This add-on does not need for XF 2.3.x. XF has already supported it.
  6. Truonglv

    Watermark [Paid]

    yes it work well in that version.
  7. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) with a new update entry: 4.0.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) - 4.0.7

    Notable changes: Fixed sticky threads
  9. Truonglv

    Too tired!

    Too tired!
  10. Truonglv

    Any alternative/solution for deletion option ? Can we ask for simple changes in app ....

    You enable it when apple approves then disable it when it approved. Apple does not check it often. If you can give a good reason for Apple you can disable it forever.
  11. Truonglv

    what is schedules?

    It is listing all schedules (for add-on Schedule content)
  12. Truonglv

    Anonymous Posting [Paid]

  13. Truonglv

    [BUG] Some Group Discussion Forum issues in Social Groups 4.0.4, XenForo 2.3.6

    Can you share your node structure face to that issues?
  14. Truonglv

    Any alternative/solution for deletion option ? Can we ask for simple changes in app ....

    You can turn off feature to delete account in add-on options.
  15. Truonglv

    [tl] Mobile Apps: Api

    Truonglv updated [tl] Mobile Apps: Api with a new update entry: 4.0.0 Read the rest of this update entry...