Implemented Wall Post Card text field letter count like profile post count


Active Member
@truonglv could you please adjust the wall card text field number count to mimic the profile post letter count for XF?

Right now it stops at "0" and you have no feedback...


With XF's profile post text fields you have a great feedback with colors and with "negative" numbers (in red)... With XF it also works with COPY/PASTE texts – which does not work with Social Groups (it keeps "0" then).

GREEN when enough
Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-05 um 19.01.58.webp

ORANGE when critically low
Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-05 um 18.57.41.webp

RED and NEGATIVE if too long...
Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-05 um 18.57.07.webp
CLOSE... but not 100% ;)

It is Gray when having enough (it should be Green)Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-21 um 19.51.17.webp

Green when getting close... (it should be Orange)
Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-21 um 19.51.02.webp

And Red when below (which is correct)
Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-21 um 19.51.48.webp