Move Wall Post to Forum


Active Member
This is so important and totally needed, as my users even ignore me telling them to post in forums and not on the wall. The wall is for announcements and general chatter and the Forums shall be for in-depth discussions. Both need to exist, but I need a moderator feature/action/permission to move group wall posts to forums.
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Please include a way to create a title for a thread when moving a wall post to a forum.

Also: if this works vice versa (moving thread to wall post) it would be extremely flexible for moderators.
That's a great idea @Freelancer

@truonglv as well as moving things this would be a great way to deal with archiving ancient wall posts too, instead of search fields (which assume people know what they're looking for) or scroll loading through countless posts. Forums are much more manageable and easier to navigate old content. The idea of scroll loading through 100's of wall posts or assuming people will just use search for something they would never just stumble across without using the right terms has always has seemed to me personally like too many steps to see a post basically. The ability to archive into threads would eliminate most navigation issues.
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