Fixed "Members" Tab shows counter for join requests but no other information


Active Member

Currently the "Members" tab also shows a counter for users that need approval but not the tab "Awaiting Approval" for members other than the group admin.

What Group Members see
Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-25 um 18.14.25.webp

I would recommend that only the group admin(s) can see the "Members" counter for users that sent in a "join" request.
Are you sure that this counter is for user awaiting approval? Everyone sees it.
Are you sure that this counter is for user awaiting approval?
alfa1Yes the above is for "Users Awaiting Approval" but as you see in the screenshot, group members without permission to approve users that sent a join request can not see the "awaiting approval" tab.... do not be mistaken with "Invited"... the awaiting approval tab is for join requests from a user while "Invited" is for invites to the user.
I see. I never figured that out. It doesnt make sense to have on that tab. I thought it was for new members and assumed the numbers were off.
I see either two options for that:
  1. Counter on the "Members" tab with the user awaiting approval and then the sub-tub "Awaiting Approval" visible for all.
  2. Let the counter from the "Members" tab and the "Awaiting Approval" tab only be visible for the Group Admin
It is seem member role cache issues. Please try to rebuild groups.
Cant be a cache issue because the information is real. The group admin sees the "Awaiting Approval" tab and the counter – which is correct. Ordinary Members however do not see the "Awaiting Approval" tab but see the counter... which is not correct and therefore not a cache issue.
I have got same problem on today but when rebuild cache it is fixed then don't have it again.