Not a Bug Events - First Day of Week Bug


Active Member
Hello Nobita,

I was creating an Event and the calendar Looks like this

In Europe we always start with Monday as First Day in the calendar ;)
I was Setting this in the ACP - but it doesn`t seem to work?

If anybody is interested in the solution ;)

You have to overwrite a Javascript of Xenforo.
For me it took over 1 day that I could see the changes - don`t know if it was a Caching Problem or if there Needs to be run a Task,...

Finaly my week starts now from Monday :cool:
So like Nobita said, it is not a Bug from the Groups plugin, Xenforo doesn`t have a Setting to Change that.

Remeber, after every Xenforo update you may have to check if the file didn`t get overwritten!
