No Thanks Copy the exact XFMG Category Collapse / Expand behavior


Active Member
With the latest update 2.4.2 d we have the category navigation expanded if clicked but it is not like the XFMG behavior which is in my opinion the reference for usability:
  1. On Group Index page load: ALL CATEGORIES COLLAPSED – ALWAYS.
  2. On click on "expand/collapse" icon: Expand / Collapse Category + show / hide sub-categories respectively. Keep them open until page reload. On page reload the state is like 3. below unless no Category was clicked, then it is like 1.
  3. On click on a category name: Expand Category + show sub-categories + jump to category + keep category expanded + make category name bold.
  4. On page reload in a category: Keep the state as described in 3. above.
  5. On click on a parent category name: Collapse all sub-categories except for the direct child categories.
Just play with the XFMG category navigation to see how it works.
Please make this possible.
So i have been Copy exact code of XFMG to my addon. LOL. Never.
Also. Each add-on have unique functions. It's their ideas. I DONT WANT TO MAKE COPY FROM ANOTHER ADDON TO MY ADDON.