Can group owner setup member roles?


New Member
Have seen in admin panel that there are options on what each role can do. That's fine, ....but. There is a big "but". Is these all settings? I mean the Group owner does not have the ability on what each member role can do on his group (because is his group and not the admin's group). To have admin's settings as default is very good, but I think that group owner must also have the ability to change these permissions for his own group.

I also didn't found any setting for member roles for XFMG. Does it means that usergroup "AAA" which have permission to post media in Media Gallery Module, have the same permission for Groups that he is member? Sorry to say but (just my opinion) this is wrong approach. I've a Group and I want to my group to be the only one who can post media.

In general I believe that group owner must be the one who can setup the member role permissions and not the site's admin.
XFMG inherit all permissions from XenForo User Groups Permissions. Currently, It is not support customize in add-on
Yes, I understood it. But especially for Media type post there is a Legal problem. While for any illegal content in a website, responsible against the law is the webmaster, in Groups is also the Group owner. And I don't think that many Group owner will like to have problems with the law. Nobody can be always online to check what each user post.
Yes, I understood it. But especially for Media type post there is a Legal problem. While for any illegal content in a website, responsible against the law is the webmaster, in Groups is also the Group owner. And I don't think that many Group owner will like to have problems with the law. Nobody can be always online to check what each user post.
ChrisTERiSReasonable. I will see if I can do anything to achieve it