Fixed Add option "View Moderator Wall"

I will try to explain why it is necessary...
I have a five user groups team:
  1. Commander in chief
  2. Captain of team
  3. Officer
  4. Squad Leader
  5. Soldier
Founder team - full access to the management team
Staff members of the team - the team of moderators, limited access to the management team
Soldier team - lack of access to the management team

I want a group of
"Staff members of the team" had access to the private wall of the team leaders (Moderator Wall), but did not have full access to the management team.
There is a setting "Display as Staff", is it possible to do that when this option is enabled, the group saw the Moderator Wall?

Sorry for my english :)

Oh my god! Your describe really problem :D after explaining seem it make my addon better so i will inplement soon :D