A Few Suggestions for Social Groups 2.3.4


New Member
Heya, first of all, I love this add-on. It functions very well, and there are a lot of backend details that I really appreciate - like the clear phrasing, templates, nomenclature, etc.

Just a few small suggestions for the latest update:

1. It'd be great for people with long child categories under a few parent categories to have the option to set the default category state to collapsed.

2. In 2.3, we were able to see the number of groups in a category on the category list. It would be great to have this feature back.

3. When commenting on a wall post in responsive settings (at least on the mobile phone setting) there is no button to post, and hitting enter simply creates lines. So, essentially, no one can comment on a post on mobile phones atm.

4. In the previous version, there was an icon on the Group card on the index that would show number of messages. It's been removed in 2.3.4. It'd be great to have it back.

5. The H1 page title is missing from the Group index landing page.
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