Fixed 2.8.8 Members that have left Groups still receive watched Forum alerts/emails


Active Member
When a member watches forums of a social group and is later leaving the group or being removed from the group, he still „watches“ them forums, meaning if he had „email“ selected as alert he receives the new replies and can still read the content.

That is a Security/Privacy breach!!!

Please fix this ASAP. Members that leave groups must have all the particular group watch settings removed entirely! Neither comments, nor forums, nor threads anything.
Because they has watched group forums and watched threads which they are replied. Why it's reported as bug?
Because they do not have the rights to watch those forums and threads anymore. If they leave a group they shall not be able to receive „watched“ alerts anymore... this is a security issue.
When someone leaves a group voluntarily or by ban from the group he shall not be able to further track what’s going on in the forum. Everything he is watching in the group should be removed with his exit automatically.

It is a security issue. Someone will laugh at you when you kick him from the group and ask him to stop watching the group contents... :rolleyes:

This must be force removed.
When joining group: watch the group forum.
When leaving group: unwatch the group forum.

This is how IPS clubs, Facebook Groups, Reddit works.