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  1. sanmitsu

    Fixed Add option "View Moderator Wall"

    I will try to explain why it is necessary... I have a five user groups team: Commander in chief Captain of team Officer Squad Leader Soldier ● Founder team - full access to the management team ● Staff members of the team - the team of moderators, limited access to the management team ●...
  2. sanmitsu

    Not a Bug Threads tab is not displayed

    Thank you, the problem is solved. Have not been assigned for category: Discussion Node ID and Discussion Prefix ID
  3. sanmitsu

    Not a Bug Threads tab is not displayed

    After update threads tab is not displayed. This bug? In the options tab is not disabled
  4. sanmitsu

    Implemented Standard phrases of XenForo

    Once again, thank you so much!:)
  5. sanmitsu

    Implemented 24 hour time format in Events

    Please add in plugin settings to choose 24 hour time format Events.
  6. sanmitsu

    Implemented Options - quality and size of the avatar and cover

    Please add a plugin settings in the admin panel, the options change in the quality and size of the avatar and cover After each update the plugin, has to manually edit files Cover.php and Avatar.php. It is very inconvenient ... :(
  7. sanmitsu

    Implemented Notification of events

    Big thanks!
  8. sanmitsu

    Implemented Сlickable Team Ribbon

    Sorry ..)) It means "Thank you very much!"
  9. sanmitsu

    Implemented Standard phrases of XenForo

    Standard phrases of XenForo: "avatar" - replace "Team_logo" (In the Russian language, in the context of teams or groups, more appropriate within the meaning of the phrases: Logo or Emblem) <phrase title="Team_logo" addon_id="nobita_Teams" version_id="999" version_string="2.0.0"><![CDATA[Team...
  10. sanmitsu

    Implemented Сlickable Team Ribbon

    Большое спасибо! :)
  11. sanmitsu

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    - It a privacy walls (Member Wall and Moderator Wall)... Why then two walls in teams closed type? Public wall and member wall? What's the point in that? What is the point in a group open type to the existence of three of the walls, if everyone can see them? I do not understand this ... How to...
  12. sanmitsu

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    Please make this change, otherwise there is a lot of problems with feedback from guests, potential team members...
  13. sanmitsu

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    I think this is not quite true... For private communication team members - have a Member Wall For private communication administrators team (Staff members) - have a Moderator Wall For public announcements, feedback from the guests (questions, suggestions and etc. ...) should be - a Public Wall...
  14. sanmitsu

    Fixed Error displaying the user's avatar.

    Then what is it, if not a bug?:)
  15. sanmitsu

    Implemented Сlickable Team Ribbon

    Add clickable of Team Ribbon with redirected to the page team.
  16. sanmitsu

    Implemented Translation calendar of events

    Add the possibility to translate calendar events via Phrases
  17. sanmitsu

    Implemented Standard phrases of XenForo

    Please replace the standard phrases of XenForo on phrases from the plugin Social Groups (Teams) In Russian language, many of the standard phrases present in the plugin do not correspond to the subject of the plugin. P.S. Sorry for my bad english :)
  18. sanmitsu

    Fixed Add option "View Moderator Wall"

    Please add a Team Member Groups option "View Moderator Wall"