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  1. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    You should send Chris_D a message on Xenforo, he might be able to help you with a dev copy of it or something.
  2. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    Thats good, hopefully the fix goes live soon. Side note have you thinked anymore about adding XenMediaGallery support for the photos system?
  3. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    So there's a bug, because the messages from that tab should still show like they did in 2.0 in less you have some other new hidden setting?
  4. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    Almost, non members can now view the tab, but none of the messages from that tab show.
  5. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    No, it's ticked. But i don't get why you keep going on about the information tab, because we are talking about the public tab (the very first tab)
  6. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    In this video below, you will see me first using 2.0, you will see i post a message on the public tab, log out and try to view as a guest (does not show whats right), i then login as a test user thats not a member of that group and i can view that public tab and message. I then do the same test...
  7. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    Yes, but you're missing the error, it's not the information tab we are on about. It's the PUBLIC tab, what takes up the groups name that none members and guests can no longer view on open clubs after 2.1.* For eg, go to the group on this site: thats an OPEN...
  8. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    It's an OPEN group Privacy: Open Public tab can no longer be viewed in 2.1.*, in 2.0.* this worked fine and what by the looks of it is the way people wanted an "OPEN" group to work like. So to sum up, its a OPEN group with an PUBLIC tab, that could be viewed in 2.0.* but can not now be viewed...
  9. C

    Fixed Guests can not view a public wall. This bug?

    The latest versions 2.1.* broke how so many things worked, that personally i have had to reinstall 2.0.2. The Public tab for groups is no longer public, that being the "?wtype=public" tab, in 2.0.2 none members could view posts made on that tab, what is used to make posts to inform none members...
  10. C

    Social Groups (Teams) [Paid]

    A few problems. 1) Can not see wall posts on clubs, even if the clubs privacy is set to open. Need to be a club member before can see, not even site admins can see. 2) Gallery does not work, i guess the old system was removed and replaced with the XenGallery support? If so thats a very bad...
  11. C

    Implemented This site's demo

    Have you looked at integration with Xen Media Gallery by Chris_D? That's the gallery i personally use and many others now use. Bob's add-on Showcase added integration with that gallery last month and it works real well.
  12. C

    Implemented This site's demo

    Any idea how long that might be before that version comes?
  13. C

    Social Groups (Teams) [Paid]

    Yep that fixed it thanks.
  14. C

    Social Groups (Teams) [Paid]

    Just a little bug, but the tab when you view a thread made via social groups is not following the Route Prefix set, i have mine set to clubs, but the thread tab is named Teams :)
  15. C

    Fixed Fatal Error: Undefined class constant 'OPTION_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH'

    Getting the following error when trying to post a big description on the events tab. Error Info ErrorException: Fatal Error: Undefined class constant 'OPTION_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH' - library/Nobita/Teams/DataWriter/Event.php:122 Generated By: C.Birch, A moment ago Stack Trace #0 [internal...
  16. C

    Implemented This site's demo

    Personally I'm with @swimmy how you add files and images now feels broke, new users go to the images page and the first thing they do is look for the 'upload images' button, having to go to messages to upload to another tab is not a normal way users interact with a image upload system.
  17. C

    Implemented Event Description size and images

    Right now the events description is limited to 400 char, could this be made a admin setting so it can be made bigger? Also could support for uploading and adding attachments be added to the description? Many thanks.
  18. C

    Implemented Add Photos on Photo's Tab

    Could the Photo's tab be made so that images can be uploaded directly to that tab from that tab and also a setting so only photos uploaded via that tab show? Other things that might be good is to let people make photo albums on the photos tab so they can upload groups of photos in a nice clean...