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  1. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    Only login with Google is showing in the app login page. It's set up in the API and testing the provider in extended accounts connects.
  2. Mike Edge

    Thread owner (starter) permissions [Paid]

    Will buy if you can make these permissions per node, not just site wide!
  3. Mike Edge

    AddOn Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    Any update on when there will be a XF 2.x release of this?
  4. Mike Edge

    No Thanks XenAtendo 2 support

    Just something simple like maybe Facebook style events.
  5. Mike Edge

    AddOn Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    Please soon for 2.0.. Pokemon go is hot again with friends gifts and trading!
  6. Mike Edge

    No Thanks XenAtendo 2 support

    Great! ETA how soon?
  7. Mike Edge

    No Thanks XenAtendo 2 support

    RSVP... Interested, going, not going
  8. Mike Edge

    No Thanks XenAtendo 2 support

    Would love to use XenAtendo 2 for events in groups -
  9. Mike Edge

    [FIXED] Widget shows all categories

    When choosing to only show one category the widget still shows all groups from all categories.
  10. Mike Edge

    [FIXED] Error installing Groups for XF2

    how do I install? :(
  11. Mike Edge

    [FIXED] Error installing Groups for XF2

    So new update soon?
  12. Mike Edge

    [FIXED] Error installing Groups for XF2

    Running the installer I get the error InvalidArgumentException: Factory type 'tl_group.memberRole' was not found in src/XF/Container.php at line 218 XF\Container->create() in src/addons/Truonglv/Groups/Repository/MemberRole.php at line 28...
  13. Mike Edge

    AddOn Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    need now!! hurry mang <3
  14. Mike Edge

    AddOn Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    Any plans to release this for XF 2.x?
  15. Mike Edge

    Schedule Content for XF 2.x [Paid]

    I see, ok how would I unprotect?
  16. Mike Edge

    Schedule Content for XF 2.x [Paid]

    Hello @truonglv I just purchased yesterday for XF 2. Now my site receives error 500 and errors in ACP log is ErrorException: Fatal Error: Access level to Truonglv\Schedule\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum::setupThreadCreate() must be public (as in class xenMade\SEO\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum)...
  17. Mike Edge

    AddOn Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    Photoshop mockup using my Pokemon site for the screenshot. But really thinking of making some modifications and using this for my hockey site. hehehe :D
  18. Mike Edge

    AddOn Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    Input from members: Evolve and transfer Pokemons for dust. [bd] widget 10 most recent pokemon found on site widget and members name.
  19. Mike Edge

    AddOn Pokémon Catcher [Paid]

    /leaderboard?tab=history An exception occurred: Argument 1 passed to Nobita_PokeCatch_HistoryHandler_Category::canViewContent() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/raidchat/public_html/library/Nobita/PokeCatch/Model/History.php on line 254 in...