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  1. Mike Edge

    [FIXED] Follows you opens self profile

    In notifications if you get a notice. User123 follows you. If you click on it, it opens your profile not the person that followed you.
  2. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Counters not working

    All these forums have a few posts but counters all showing 0 in app but correct display in web browser
  3. Mike Edge

    Second app and site

    Ok thanks!
  4. Mike Edge

    Second app and site

    Truonglv for my second app license I purchased the other day for my second site, do I use same certificates I created at Appl or do I create a second unique set? Also how to move my first sites current build from Test Flight to production?
  5. Mike Edge

    Modify Language

    I’m not asking for a completely custom app. Just to swap one file that you have released in github already to extend the app languages
  6. Mike Edge

    Modify Language

    Can you give me a copy of the English one so I can make my changes and then you can use it when you build my app? When you build mine can you also not display the other four languages when you build mine? It's a local app, so only English would be used until you add Spanish someday.
  7. Mike Edge

    Modify Language

    Like you can see I have it modified to Watched Topics, which it shows on the site, but in the app it still says Watched threads
  8. Mike Edge

    Modify Language

    My site has a lot of modified phrases. Some are showing the change in the app, others still displaying as default though are still modified on my site via web browser. I can't find where the app languages are stored in admincp. Do I need to give you Truonglv a customized English.xml to use...
  9. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    Truonglv Using connect account errors "There is no valid connected account request available. Please try again." after you sign in with apple and returning to connected_account.php InvalidArgumentException: Error registering composer autoload directory: Composer Autoload path...
  10. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    Also users are being created using instead of actual e-mail address when creating an account via the app
  11. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    Can you add support support for logging in with xen-solve invite system in use. My site is invite only so this is important
  12. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    Ok that worked. But the it didn’t give me an option to create a username. Just created a random user.
  13. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    ohh might be an addon conflict with invite system let me disable and retry
  14. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    Truonglv ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "code" src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php:13 Generated by: Unknown account Jul 23, 2022 at 8:45 PM Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php(13)...
  15. Mike Edge

    [NOT A BUG] Login with Apple button not showing

    Ok so rebooting my phone I now see the button but trying to sign in via it I get this error now.
  16. Mike Edge

    Quick question for App clients

    Yes! All of this
  17. Mike Edge

    [FEATURE] Add support for [tl] Social Groups

    Yes, this for sure! Groups are a big thing now
  18. Mike Edge

    [FEATURE] Paid Request

    I will pay to have either Jaxel or Nixfifty's calendar addon (I don't care which, I own both) work with inside the app, not leaving the app in browser for it. Along with push notifications day of event to users that had RSVP'd
  19. Mike Edge

    [FEATURE] Login with Facebook

    Please add a log using Facebook option to the app