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  1. Truonglv

    How to buy multiple licenses?

    Sorry it does not support yet.
  2. Truonglv

    [FIXED] [Grpups] User promotion bug? (admin panel)

    Does the user has that roles in group?
  3. Truonglv

    Widget Threads Enhancement [Paid]

    Latest version only work with XF 2.3 or higher. If you want to use XF 2.2 you can download the older version of this add-on.
  4. Truonglv

    Realtime Pusher [Paid]

    Try to make some conversations here.
  5. Truonglv

    The Following Alerts [Paid]

    Truonglv updated The Following Alerts with a new update entry: 4.0.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Truonglv

    The Following Alerts - 4.0.0

    Notable changes: Support XenForo 2.3.0
  7. Truonglv

    Widget Threads Enhancement [Paid]

    In the widget settings.
  8. Truonglv

    Any alternative/solution for deletion option ? Can we ask for simple changes in app ....

    Thank you for suggestion. This app take more time to rewrite source code so I will implement your suggestion when I release new version.
  9. Truonglv

    Threads, posts and conversations per page [Paid]

    That message to told which number of messages and they can change the value when click into it. Why it should hide?
  10. Truonglv

    Widget Threads Enhancement [Paid]

    Do you enable guest cache for that widget?
  11. Truonglv

    Ignore Content [Paid]

    Can you provide more details of this stack?
  12. Truonglv

    [BUG] Fixed private threads leaked

    Please give your forum in private conversion. I will looking into it.
  13. Truonglv

    [BUG] [Groups] Resolution Problem

    Does it good quality before upload?
  14. Truonglv

    [BUG] [Groups] Resolution Problem

    I will improvement to display it.
  15. Truonglv

    [BUG] [Groups] Resolution Problem

    In we running image optimize so when you upload an cover to group it optimized by itself (add-on groups) and optimize it again by add-on (image optimizer) so your image will be low quality here.
  16. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) with a new update entry: 4.0.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Truonglv

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) - 4.0.3

    Notable changes: Fixed popup when comment
  18. Truonglv

    [BUG] Please help me figure this out...

    It should be fixed now
  19. Truonglv

    Widget Threads Enhancement - 3.0.2

    Notable changes: Fixed load more does not work in some specific layout types
  20. Truonglv

    Widget Threads Enhancement [Paid]

    Truonglv updated Widget Threads Enhancement with a new update entry: 3.0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...