Profile Vanity URL

Profile Vanity URL 3.0.1

PayPal: $35.00
Notable changes:
  • Fixed invalid link for following, followers
Notable changes:
  • Support XenForo 2.3.0
Notable changes:
  • Added filter vanity users in admin
  • Added new option to force use lower characters only.
Notable changes:
  • Fixed missing pagination in vanity users page.
Notable changes:
  • Fixed validate user vanity URLs in admin
Notable changes:
  • Added new option to limit maximum vanity length
  • Added new vanity management in Admin Panel. You can access it at ACP > Users > Vanity users
Notable changes:
  • Fixed saved empty vanity
Notable changes:
  • Fixed saved empty vanity
Notable changes:
  • Fixed saved empty vanity
Notable changes:
  • Fixed saved empty vanity
  • Like
Reactions: abs0lut3