Recent content by DVixen

  1. DVixen

    AddOn [Nobita] Room Chat for TaigaChat Pro [Paid]

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I've tried that and I keep getting broken links. I went into the console to see the error and this is what I get: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) http://xxxx/data/nobita/room_icons/2.jpg?1430264171 Failed to load...
  2. DVixen

    AddOn [Nobita] Room Chat for TaigaChat Pro [Paid]

    Hi, I cannot see the icons for the room chat. They are broken. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this or how we should be uploading the room icons? Thank you! :)
  3. DVixen


  4. DVixen

    Implemented Properly style for Group featured

    Thanks Nobita! I like this style. :)
  5. DVixen

    Social Groups (Teams) [Paid]

    Hi Nobita! It would be awesome if you could integrate credits with your groups. Options like having a member fee for various user groups, a yearly fee, etc. Just a suggestion.