Xenforo Media Gallery Privacy should reflect Group Privacy


Active Member
Now that Forum nodes for Social Groups are coming I need to address that the privacy is also important for Xenforo Media Gallery. In the current 2.4.6 version you can associate one category only to ALL groups and although the media is not shown in other groups, the entire category is still accessible when the direct URL is opened.

Suggestion/Idea: Treat every group owner as an album owner and let ALBUMS instead of categories be associated to groups. So anyone who creates an album in the group, creates an album that is automatically owned by the group admin/owner and the privacy of sharing is set to "group members" only.

  • Multiple Albums can be made per group
  • Albums reflect the Privacy of the group
  • Albums could be moved between groups or associated to third persons (owner change)
  • If group is deleted, the albums stay associated with the owner and its privacy to "View/Upload" "Owner only" until he changes it again.
I hope this is possible.
Sorry, I doctored the text a little until it came straight. Here some more clarity:

Understanding how XF Media Gallery works, I think it would be quite "simple" to utilize its capabilities to set album owners and those who can view that album. If the group owner is also automatically the owner of ALL albums generated in the group, the view settings could just use the list of group members to designate who can actually view the album content. That is universal for the whole board and therefore there wouldnt be any extra adaption needed. Just the interfaces.
  • When the group is deleted, the albums are set to "View: Owner Only"
  • When a member leaves the group he is removed from the list of users that can see the album content
  • When the group owner changes, all albums will be reassigned to the new owner
Nice suggestion.

And here is an option too:
  • Although the albums are for group owner, but he/she not be able to add media to those albums from index page of XFMG. Just be able to add media to those albums within media tab of group