Not a Bug Strange behavior of "Featured" Ribbons


Active Member
As soon as I change the CSS properties of the ".Team_BadgeList li:not(.Team_RibbonWrap)", it renders the "featured" ribbon as "display:none;" milliseconds after page load. As if a JavaScript renders an inline-style after pageload... I wonder why. Fact is, that the featured ribbon disappears as soon as I change margin properties. When I remove the modifications, it appears again.

It is auto check the container of badge size then choose of each ribbon to display. If the width is enough to display all, so all ribbons will be shown.
Okay. But I think this can be managed with CSS and does not need JS.

I have the problem that both badges do not align correctly. Now I can not change the CSS properties without the script hiding one ribbon... :(
Okay. But I think this can be managed with CSS and does not need JS.

I have the problem that both badges do not align correctly. Now I can not change the CSS properties without the script hiding one ribbon... :(
FreelancerCSS media only handle the window width/height. Not for special element. It is must be work via JS. Sorry.